• First Circular
  • The 2025 ICFSLA First Circular is available here.

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become an essential part of modern educational systems because of its potential to enhance teaching methods, customize learning experiences, and streamline administrative tasks. It is actively addressing key challenges in education, such as transforming teaching methods and supporting the achievement of United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 4 which talks of ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education and promoting lifelong learning opportunities for all. AI-powered tools and technologies are being used to create more engaging and immersive learning experiences, personalize learning for students at all levels, and provide immediate feedback. Research shows that AI has the potential to revolutionize the way languages are taught and learned, helping students learn languages more effectively (Hockly 2023). That said, AI-based edtech is likely to pose challenges and threats of its own. While the rise of AI-powered instruments has certainly opened up new horizons in all human activity, including SLA and FLL/T, it has also raised many questions of ethical nature.


Abstracts for presentations should be sent by 28th February 2025 to our e-mail address.

Plenary Speakers

We are happy to announce that the following scholars will present the keynote talks at the 36th ICFSLA conference:

Christopher Alexander (University of Nicosia, Cyprus)

Gessica de Angelis (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway)

Marina Dodigović (University of Slavonski Brod, Croatia)

Robert Oliwa (State University of Applied Sciences, Poland)

Torben Schmidt (Leuphana Universität Lüneburg, Germany)

Blanka Klímová (University of Hradec Kralove, Czechia)

Shuttle bus transfer

The Participants are welcome to use our university shuttle bus on Wednesday, 17th May 2023 (Katowice-Szczyrk) and/or on Saturday, 20th May 2023 (Szczyrk-Katowice). The exact departure time as well as the pickup spot will be announced later. The bus will take the participants from Katowice city centre (near the railway station) directly to the conference site in Szczyrk (Wednesday) and/or back (Saturday).

If you want to reserve a place on the bus, please do so by writing to the organisers at szczyrkconference2023@gmail.com by 10th April 2023 at the latest. We regret to inform that reservations made after that date will not guarantee a seat on the shuttle bus.

The Organizing Committee

Adam Wojtaszek

Katarzyna Papaja

Aleksandra Szymańska-Tworek

Looking forward to seeing you all in Szczyrk!

e venue

The venue

Traditionally, the event is held in Szczyrk, a well-known (to many of you) resort town in the Beskidy Mountains of Southern Poland. The conference venue is the META Hotel. All conference participants can be accommodated there, but if for any reason you prefer to choose different accommodation or don't require any at all, please inform the organisers about it as soon as possible.